Buenas noticias para los amantes del rock, digo yo, porque Gareth Liddiard y los suyos acaban de publicar I See Seaweed. Y si no acaban de hacerlo, yo me acabo de enterar.
algún sitio por ahí, al fondo, debe de haber otra entrada que escribí
en este blog hablando de The Drones. Parece que se ha perdido en la
bruma, o entre la espesura, porque no la encuentro, pero creo que antes
ya mencioné aquí al grupo de Perth.
Si es que existe, esa antigua
entrada, quiero decir, tenía que hablar de "Shark Fin Blues", canción
que abría el segundo disco de The Drones, el de título más largo (Wait Long by the River and the Bodies of Your Enemies Will Float by) y con la que yo les conocí, para bien o para mal.
Con el resto del disco, con The Miller's Daughter, el siguiente álbum que grabaron, o con Gala Mill, un año más tarde, hasta con Havilah,
que grabaron hace cinco años, tuve que hacer más esfuerzo, porque The
Drones no te atusan el pelo, no te acarician la mejilla, no te ayudan a
resolver el sudoku, ni tan siquiera buscan infectarte su sufrimiento
para que así el tuyo parezca más endeble.
The Drones suenan como
un sueño, más bien una pesadilla, en la que te conviertes en un niño
escuálido y asustado en una noche oscura, de cielo plomizo, intensa
lluvia, cuando, no sabes por qué, de dónde vienes, qué te persigue, pero
tú huyes, corres, te adrentas en un campo frío, umbrío, con juncos
espigados que apartas mientras tus manos se encallan, pero corres por el
cañaveral, medio desnudo, descalzo, mirando hacia atrás con una
angustia que te excita tanto como te asusta y, de repente, el cañaveral
se abre y apareces en un prado de reluciente hierba vivaz, la noche
desaparece, el sol reluce, te crece ropa, te aparece una sonrisa, tus
manos se endulzan, tus pies disfrutan sobre la bondad de los tallos y
caminas sosegado, repleto, entusiasmado y feliz, pero algo te lleva
hacia la linde, y vuelves a estar dentro del laberinto de cañas, la
noche se avalanza, arrecia la lluvia, vuelve el miedo, y desnudo,
descalzo, mirando hacia atrás con angustia, corres de nuevo sin saber
muy bien hacia dónde. Así escucho yo a The Drones.
Su primer disco, el aclamado a escondidas, Here Come the Lies,
lo descubrí después, mucho más tarde que "Shark Fin Blues", mucho después
de aquella canción con referencias bíblicas y literarias pero un
comienzo mucho más mundano que parecía dibujarme a mí en la dársena de
mi pueblo cuando los tormentos juveniles te invitaban al destierro y la
nostalgia. El resto de sus discos demuestra un progreso, un desarrollo,
pero el comienzo esta ahí, en unas canciones agresivas, ariscas,
punzantes, con bajos de ritmos intricados y guitarras lacerantes,
imbricadas sobre la voz desgarrada y penetrante de Liddiard. Esa esqueleto siguió manteniendo erecta su música,
quizás menos acentuado, más perturbado, caótico y vehemente en los siguientes discos. Y sigue en
I See Seaweed. Quizás hay más medios tiempos, menos arrebatos, más sorpresas deslizadas y solo visibles si, como requiere su música, permaneces comprometido aún cuando te sientes perdido, malherido o confuso. Creo que eso es lo que más me gusta de las canciones de The Drones, que de repente, las nubes se abren y reluce el sol, un sol que calienta y agobia, que, de repente, el aliento es fatiga, la fatiga es bravura, la dulzura hiela, la amargura dulcifica. Incluso en una canción tan reposada y liviana como "Why Write a Letter that You'll Never Send" (uno de los ejemplos más luminosos y ocurrentes de la habilidad de Liddiard para el pareado y las buenas letras) aparece por sorpresa un crescendo abrumador; incluso en "How to See through Fog" se abre la niebla y se esfuma la espesura; incluso en "A Moat You Can Stand In" el mismo ritmo trotón que se remonta a sus inicios acaba cuando se desboca el caballo, precisamente cuando menos lo esperas.
La mayoría de las críticas reparan en la contribución de Steve Hesketh y sus teclados. Hesketh ya había colaborado con el grupo antes, pero, con este disco, se ha convertido en el quinto miembro de la banda. Algunos vuelven a destacar la calidad de las letras de un Liddiard que siempre rechaza los clichés (está orgulloso de no haber escrito jamás una canción de amor, o, al menos, no una canción de amor reconocible a primera vista) y que parece haber abandonado un poco su característica misantropía (eso dicen las mayoría de las críticas y yo, como un imbécil, lo repito). Otras críticas resaltan que Liddiard se dedica a repasar, con agudeza y sin paños calientes, la realidad de su país y, por extensión, del mundo global. Para muestra un botón: "who cares about the holocaust / man, we didn't learn nothing there / and all its memory does is / keep the History Channel on air / who cares about the Vatican / man everybody knows /and who's surprised they went and /chose a Nazi for a pope?"
Precisamente con esta canción, lo dejo e invito a escuchar I See Seaweed. Hesketh al piano, Liddiard a la voz, un correo electrónico en el buzón y... nueve minutos de buena música.
Why Write a Letter that You'll Never Send by The Drones
we don't write letters anymore
there ain't the time or place
but a friend of mine wrote something like
a letter yesterday
it was smuggled through my inbox
just this morning, 3am
more impotent than important
but let me read it now, verbatim
he says "i got that same old feeling
the one that turns the birds to brutes
the sky is like a bad dream
and the earth is in cahoots
i don't believe no one no more
i don't care what no one say's
i just wanna make the world
a much less painful place
we look fonder on the good old days
as they drift further away
but why if everyone feels so homesick
are they always setting sail?
'cause it's all bad news up there on deck
and each headland masks the next
i'd just as soon dive in the ocean
and forego the blood and sweat
forego all aspirations
they just put everyone at odds
if idle hands are the devil's work
then where's the time for God's?
and why write a letter that you'll never send away
why won't you stay with me, wait and see
all you need to know
nobody's perfect and their needs are always stark
stay with me, wait you'll see
all you need to know
everybody's hurting and their needs are always stark
and who cares about wars of choice lands
where states indulge their passions
and all the new shoots just jackbootscoot
all dissent out of fashion
like Fred Astaires at a film premier
that is all about them
it's stirring stuff, transformative
they don't care where they're sent
they're all kiss chasing childish
dreams of privileged masculinity
till they're spent by shock and discharged
home to small town and big city
the rest are the type left dying or dead
from trying to be useful
they've been handy in the years gone by
and they'll be handy in the future
and who cares for their survival
and who cares about the yanks
who cares if they get overrun
by Chinese nukes and tanks
who cares about the holocaust
man we didn't learn nothing there
and all it's memory does is
keep the History Channel on air
who cares about the Vatican
man everybody knows
and who's surprised they went and
chose a nazi for a pope?
who cares about fakes like anarchists
man they never went to dance
let's mambo Mogadishu
give anarchy a chance
i'm saying life is cruel, you know it's true
but all sides still try and recruit you
for shangri-las as practical
as doing the karma sutra
why write a letter that you'll never send away
why won't you stay with me, wait and see
all you need know
nobody's perfect and their needs are always stark
stay with me, wait you'll see
all you need to know
everybody skirts the fact their needs are always stark
and who cares if the starving millions
know it's christmas or your birthday
or what movie stars in Africa
or the guy from U2 says
or all the statesmen never telling
lies as truth or gospel
who cares what true or false
the truth's the world won't go to hospital
but who needs to live forever
who needs the extra miles
we won't need bees or seed banks
in the Arctic for a while
we play the game to start again
not to better life for all
it's the appropriate opiate
when a better way's impossible
some honesty now wouldn't go astray
if not, then what's the use?
we're animals, we can't help doing
what all animals do
so goodbye my friend, i'm hitting send
forgive me talking straight
i'm only trying to make the world
a much less painful place
and why write a letter that you'll never send away?"
there ain't the time or place
but a friend of mine wrote something like
a letter yesterday
it was smuggled through my inbox
just this morning, 3am
more impotent than important
but let me read it now, verbatim
he says "i got that same old feeling
the one that turns the birds to brutes
the sky is like a bad dream
and the earth is in cahoots
i don't believe no one no more
i don't care what no one say's
i just wanna make the world
a much less painful place
we look fonder on the good old days
as they drift further away
but why if everyone feels so homesick
are they always setting sail?
'cause it's all bad news up there on deck
and each headland masks the next
i'd just as soon dive in the ocean
and forego the blood and sweat
forego all aspirations
they just put everyone at odds
if idle hands are the devil's work
then where's the time for God's?
and why write a letter that you'll never send away
why won't you stay with me, wait and see
all you need to know
nobody's perfect and their needs are always stark
stay with me, wait you'll see
all you need to know
everybody's hurting and their needs are always stark
and who cares about wars of choice lands
where states indulge their passions
and all the new shoots just jackbootscoot
all dissent out of fashion
like Fred Astaires at a film premier
that is all about them
it's stirring stuff, transformative
they don't care where they're sent
they're all kiss chasing childish
dreams of privileged masculinity
till they're spent by shock and discharged
home to small town and big city
the rest are the type left dying or dead
from trying to be useful
they've been handy in the years gone by
and they'll be handy in the future
and who cares for their survival
and who cares about the yanks
who cares if they get overrun
by Chinese nukes and tanks
who cares about the holocaust
man we didn't learn nothing there
and all it's memory does is
keep the History Channel on air
who cares about the Vatican
man everybody knows
and who's surprised they went and
chose a nazi for a pope?
who cares about fakes like anarchists
man they never went to dance
let's mambo Mogadishu
give anarchy a chance
i'm saying life is cruel, you know it's true
but all sides still try and recruit you
for shangri-las as practical
as doing the karma sutra
why write a letter that you'll never send away
why won't you stay with me, wait and see
all you need know
nobody's perfect and their needs are always stark
stay with me, wait you'll see
all you need to know
everybody skirts the fact their needs are always stark
and who cares if the starving millions
know it's christmas or your birthday
or what movie stars in Africa
or the guy from U2 says
or all the statesmen never telling
lies as truth or gospel
who cares what true or false
the truth's the world won't go to hospital
but who needs to live forever
who needs the extra miles
we won't need bees or seed banks
in the Arctic for a while
we play the game to start again
not to better life for all
it's the appropriate opiate
when a better way's impossible
some honesty now wouldn't go astray
if not, then what's the use?
we're animals, we can't help doing
what all animals do
so goodbye my friend, i'm hitting send
forgive me talking straight
i'm only trying to make the world
a much less painful place
and why write a letter that you'll never send away?"